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Privacy policy

Welcome to use our products and services! We are fully aware of the importance of personal information to you, and your trust to us

It is very important that we provide your personal information security according to the requirements of laws and regulations and with reference to industry best practices

Fully guaranteed. Therefore, bigdroweb.com service provider (or "us") formulates this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this

Policy ") so that you can fully understand how we will charge

Collect, use, share, store and protect your personal information, and how you can manage your personal information.

Before you start using our products and services, you must carefully read and understand this policy, especially

Click to read the clauses marked by bold/underlined in bold to ensure that you fully understand and agree before using.

We try our best to explain the professional words involved in this policy in simple and popular terms for your understanding.

This policy mainly explains to you:

[How do we collect and use your personal information]

Bigdroweb.com provides you with convenient e-commerce trading platform services. In order to provide services, we mainly

Collect, use, share and store your personal information based on the following needs:

Member registration: when you visit our website or client, you can browse the product information anonymously, but when you place an order

You need to register as a member of bigdroweb.com platform when you can enjoy other member services.

Display of goods/services and instant stall search: In order to save your time searching for goods and improve your online shopping efficiency, I

We will use our technology to show you goods/services that better meet your needs, including combining your interests and preferences

's forecast and your collection, additional purchases and purchased records recommend you the goods/services you may need ("recommend" frequency

Channel/module). In addition to text search, we also provide voice input, physical photography and other search methods, which you can choose as required


Order placement and transaction performance: you need to provide the consignee, receiving address and contact telephone information so that we can help you

Successfully complete the transaction and ensure your transaction security.

 Customer service and dispute resolution: when providing customer service or dispute resolution services for you, we need to collect and handle

Your necessary information is used to verify your identity, reply to you and visit the service quality of our service personnel.

Release of comments, sharing and other information: you can choose to use comments, Q&A, community sharing, live broadcast and other information

Cloth function to share your shopping experience with other users.

Security: To ensure the security of your account and transaction, we need to collect and process your equipment information and logs

Information, we will also use this information to prevent various violations of laws and regulations or infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of other subjects

The situation of.

Other additional functions: In order to improve your shopping experience, we also provide you with many additional functions. For example, using

You can choose to use or turn off the nearby goods/services and preferential information provided by your location.

For the above personal information, most of it is provided to us by you on your own initiative, and some of it is used by us

Products or services through cookies SDK and similar technologies, and some obtained indirectly from third parties


We hope you can understand that we cannot provide you with all the above services alone, and many times we still need

Together with our affiliated companies and other service providers, we provide these services for you. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements of

If it is necessary for you to provide the above services, we need to provide

Party A provides part of your personal information in the form of sharing or entrusted processing. We will take the necessary technology and management

Measures shall be taken to protect the security of your personal information as much as possible.

In addition, we will also provide your personal information to sellers or other trading partners who deal with you according to your choice

Information so that it can provide the goods or services you choose.

[How do you manage your own knowledge]

You can manage your personal information in many ways, such as deleting the goods in the shopping cart and updating your

Personal information, and cancellation of your account. If you have problems managing your personal information, you can also

Contact us at the contact information below, and we will reply to your request within 15 days. But please understand that we can

You may not be able to fully meet your requirements due to the fulfillment of legal and regulatory obligations or the necessity of our services


This terms of service should be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of HK.

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